03 October 2023 Placed in:
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OTD: in the fall of 1998, Norbert and I met on a misty autumn
morning, to spend the day laying the groundwork, ideas and concepts
for our joint project to bring his CDFinder from the Mac to
Windows. It was a part time effort we both pursued alongside our
regular day jobs back then, and it would take another two years for
it to bear fruit in form of the first version of CDWinder on Dec
18th 2000. It would grow from there to what abeMeda and NeoFinder
are today.
It's now been 25 years since this fall day, and here we are still
going strong. It was a fulfilling journey, though it also feels
like yesterday when we started. Here’s to many more years to
ps. has anyone out there ever found the easter egg we hid in the
app all those years ago? just curious... ; )