abeMeda Sample Use - Switcher

So, you are coming to Microsoft Windows from another platform, be it Classic (Mac OS 9), or Mac OS X ?

Or you want to use a new catalog tool, because your current one is not developed any further, or it just lacks the cool new stuff that you like?

Chances are, abeMeda can import and use your existing catalog database already!

abeMedaLogo48abeMeda currently imports catalog files of these applications:

iView / Expression Media, WhereIsIt, Broken Cross Disk Manager and Advanced Disk Catalog.

Also, if you are coming from Macintosh, neoFinder for Mac can import files created by Disk Tracker, CatFinder, Disk Recall, Disk Wizard, Iomega FindIt, Catalogue, "Neometric" Catalog, as well. You can use the demo version of neoFinder to help you, or contact us for more assistance.

To use these catalogs, simply use the Import command in the File menu of abeMeda.

More import abilities will show up in future versions of abeMeda.

Golden Gate Bridge - San Francisco
Also, please notice that abeMeda can read more meta data than other disk catalogers do at this time, or include in their export files. So importing foreign catalogs will only give you a small fracture of the possible benefits of abeMeda. In the long run you may want to re-catalog some or all of these disks, to have abeMeda read the MP3, AAC, EXIF, or IPTC meta data, and also to get beautiful photo thumbnails.

So if you use a different disk cataloger at this time, and you are not happy with it, switch to abeMeda!